I have been going to a Safety Camp for two days. It was the best camp ever! I got to meet the police, fire fighters and paramedics. We also met lifeguards.
We went canoing, we learned "stop, drop and roll" and we met a police dog named NICO. A helicopter visited us in the park, I think they were from the Minnesota Coast Guard. We also learned about car safety. You need to be 13 years old, weigh 100 pounds and be 5 feet tall to be able to sit in the front seat. Air bags are explosives!! They moved 200 miles per hour! Very dangerous for children!
One of my class mates, Gabe, was in my group. We had a lot of fun together. Our cheer was: "When I say green, you say money. Green - Money! Green - Money! M-O-N-E-Y Go Money!" Our group was the green team if you didn't get that...
We had hot dogs the first day and hamburgers the second day. The hamburgers were grilled right there in the park! They were suuuuuper duuuuper good!
Yesterday I also went to a birthday party for Jeronimo, who turned 7. He was in Michaela's class last year. The party was at Pump it Up!
Sincerely, Maximilian